SGI Brewfest

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We took a craft beer road trip to Tallahassee and St. George Island, FL

When our Tallahassee radio affiliate (RealTalk 93.3) reached out to see if we’d like to attend the SGI Brewfest with them we jumped at the chance.  We’ve never done a Tallahassee trip and spending a weekend on the beach at a beer fest is not a bad way to waste a weekend.

Our first stop in Tallahassee was Ology Brewing (OK, technically it was Whataburger) where we sampled through all of the beers on tap.  Their Sensory Overload IPA was amazing, and the DDH version takes it to another level, one of our favorite beers of the trip.  Don’t miss their Juice Lab series of fruited Berliners, on Sundays they tap a new version and you might even find it pouring from the slushie machine.  We then headed over to Proof Brewing’s relatively new and gorgeous tap room where we had IPAs, sours, and Brian even got his glitter beer fix. Mike Kauffman and James Davis from Proof join us on the show to talk Tally beer.

After a crazy Friday that peaked with quarts of Olde English 800 back at the hotel, we headed to St. George Island early Saturday morning for the SGI Brewfest.  I’m telling you, it would be difficult to beat the weather and the location for this festival. The large, open yard of Paddy’s Raw Bar hosted the event and sunny skies and mid-70s temps made for a great day.  In Atlanta, it can be tough to get people to travel 20 miles for an event but the trip from Tallahassee to SGI is 1 1/2 hours and there’s no issue get the crowds down for the event.  In addition to Proof, other Tallahassee favorites like Ology Brewing, Deep Brewing (BGR #144), Grasslands Brewing, and many others we are the fest as well as a handful of brewers from the rest of Florida and around the US.

St George Island beach
Stepping out the door of our motel greeted us with this view on St. George Island.  After a long day at the beer fest it was a great place to relax… and drink some more beer.

RealTalk’s Real Mornings hosts Greg Tish and Bobby Mac join us to kick off the show, chatting general beer info and reminiscing about the wine cooler-y beverages of our younger days while sipping Naturdays.  Yeah, we know, don’t hate us.  Although Naturdays is very far removed from anything I’d consider beer, it is a refreshing and tasty alcoholic lemonade.

We wrap up the show with Danny Aller and Matt Crumbaker from Tallahassee Beer Society.  In addition to cheerleading Tally beer, they host the Saturday Morning Bottle Share show.  These guys love their Tallahassee breweries and work hard to spread the word.  We share some Georgia goodness with Monday Night‘s Overnight Celebrity while they share some info on the local beer scene.

Tallahassee isn’t the first place most people think of for a craft beer trip but it’s definitely worth putting on your radar.  The scene is solid now and continues to grow.  Make a point to schedule your trip to head on down for the SGI Brewfest, too.

Proof Brewing taproom
Proof Brewing’s amazing Tallahassee taproom. DennisShowsflorida,Proof Brewing,RealTalk 93.3,SGI Brewfest,Tallahassee,Tallhassee Beer SocietySubscribe to Beer Guys Radio on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app. We took a craft beer road trip to Tallahassee and St. George Island, FL When our Tallahassee radio affiliate (RealTalk 93.3) reached out to see if we'd like to attend the SGI Brewfest with them we jumped at the...Cold beer, hot conversations, stupid jokes.