Red Brick Hype Whale | Beer Review

Red Brick Brewing Co. is Atlanta’s oldest production brewery and they’ve been brewing up craft beers since 1993.  With Hype Whale, their latest Brick Mason series offering, Red Brick decided to poke a bit of fun at the beer community’s fascination with whales (highly sought after and hard to find beers) and the hype (hype) that goes along with them.  They picked a great style to for it as bourbon-barrel imperial stouts are frequently some of the most sought after #whalezbro.

Hype Whale comes in at 10% ABV and released February 2016.  The beer is brewed with Apollo, Magnum and Willamette hops and is conditioned on bourbon-barrel oak chips.  Red Brick chose oak chips over traditional barrel aging to help control the exact amount of oak and bourbon in the beer and to minimize the risks associated with traditional barrel aging, as well as allowing for a quicker turnaround of the finished product.

But should you believe the hype?  The pour is super-dark brown with a creamy tan head.  Aroma is awesome with boozy bourbon, malt sweetness, and dark chocolate. .  Sipping this beast gives you oaky bourbon to start with super dark chocolate and coffee following along, the finish is very warm and lingering.  Bourbon is very pronounced but not overpowering, if you like bourbon beers you’ll love this.  Overall this is an awesome beer with big flavors and excellent mouthfeel.  If you’re one that likes numbers I give Hype Whale a 4.5/5.0, believe the hype!  Red Brick says they made a good amount of this one but you should still get it while you can, like the great Orca migrations this Cetacean is seasonal.

But don’t just take my word for it… Well, I mean, do take my word for it, but still try it for yourself.  If you land this whale let me know what you think.

Red Brick Hype Whale
#SWAG #YOLO #HYPE #WHALEZBRO DennisBeer Reviewbarrel,Beer Review,bourbon,Hype Whale,Red Brick,stoutRed Brick Hype Whale | Beer Review Red Brick Brewing Co. is Atlanta's oldest production brewery and they've been brewing up craft beers since 1993.  With Hype Whale, their latest Brick Mason series offering, Red Brick decided to poke a bit of fun at the beer community's fascination with whales...Cold beer, hot conversations, stupid jokes.