Partake Brewing Non Alcoholic Craft Beer

Partake Brewing takes their non-alcoholic brews from the Dragon’s Den to distribution

Partake Brewing founder Ted Fleming was (is) a huge craft beer fan.  He loves hanging out with friends and sharing a brew.  Unfortunately, after a visit to the doctor diagnosed him with Crohn’s Disease he had to ease off the alcohol, and eventually give it up all together.

But Fleming wasn’t ready to give up sharing a drink with friends.  He did some research on the non-alcoholic beer market and discovered there weren’t a lot of great offerings to be had at home in Canada, or in North America in general.  This led him to building a website to offer what he did find, many from Europe.  His website turned into a passionate community and when he finally decided to launch Partake he had a lot of support, even though it meant he would have to give up his website.

Partake even visited the Dragon’s Den, Canada’s version of America’s Shark Tank. Fleming got a deal on the show but says they were ultimately not able to finalize it.  He did have a strong backing on a Kickstarter with an IPA and got the ball rolling.

Now offering a full lineup of core beers as well as seasonal offerings like Lime (an easy-drinking lager’ish brew with a lime hint) and a Peach Gose.

The NA beer market continues to grow, and we are all here for it.  You know we love a good, boozy brew but it’s nice for those that can’t or don’t want to have alcohol to still be able to enjoy a craft brew.  They’re popular with health-conscious folks and some of the brews have only 10 calories in a 12-oz can.  Madness.

With the Cheers to Adulting campaign Partake Brewing is encouraging everyone to consider Sober October.  With the extravagance of the holidays just around the corner that may not be a bad idea.  Maybe next year.

Partake Brewing NA beer

The Beer List

  • Partake Brewing
    • Blonde
    • Dark
    • IPA
    • Lime
    • Pale
    • Red

Beer Guys Radio live and unedited

We livestream our shows (most) Wednesdays at 7:00 PM Eastern on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch.  Uncut, unedited, the full monty.  Feel free to drop in and chat with us during the stream and let us know what you’re drinking!

More NA Beer Talk

We’ve got like 290 other episodes talking to really cool people.  Dip into some of our past episodes and see what we’ve been up to.

Everyone should be able to enjoy a cold beer with friends, even if they can’t have alcohol.  We’ve covered the non-alcoholic beer scene a good bit so make sure to check out our past episodes with Athletic Brewing founders Bill Shufelt and John Walker.  We also talked with Bravus Brewing, brewers of a killer NA peanut butter stout.  For something a bit different, but still alcohol-free, check out our episode with Hoplark as we try their hop teas and hop water.


      Beer Guys Radio Patreon - Support Us DennisShowsNA Beer,non alcoholic,Ted Fleming Partake Brewing takes their non-alcoholic brews from the Dragon's Den to distribution Partake Brewing founder Ted Fleming was (is) a huge craft beer fan.  He loves hanging out with friends and sharing a brew.  Unfortunately, after a visit to the doctor diagnosed him with Crohn's Disease he had to ease...Cold beer, hot conversations, stupid jokes.